Blood pressure problem, as high blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most underhand diseases, it is no coincidence we call it a “silent killer”. Often it develops without any prior symptoms and suddenly causes kidney failure, stroke or heart attack.The importance of prevention cannot be emphasized enough.
Appropriate diet and exercise can effectively reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and reduce the symptoms of an already existing problem. The “radical” change of lifestyle requires patience and self-discipline.The change may be gradual or radical, but the set out of an exact goal and the formulation of an individual program in a few simple steps are indispensable.
Among our products, the following have a prominent role as natural means of treating blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.Of course, we recommend the use of each product over a longer period of time, either separately or simultaneously.
– because of its high nitrate content, it can help reduce blood pressure
-can help facilitate blood flow
– can stimulate blood flow
-has a detoxifying effect
-its blood pressure reducing effect has been shown in several experiments
– can lower cholesterol
– can prevent blood vessels from shrinking
– can expand and relax the walls of blood vessels
– can promote the production of nitric oxide
– due to adaptogenic effects,
– it can lower the too high, and increase the too low blood pressure
-scopoletin in it may increase the self-healing effect
Let’s see in more detail!
The obvious therapeutic effect of Noni can also be associated with a compound, called Nitric Oxide (NO). In recent years, researchers have revealed new data about NO. While Noni itself does not contain nitric oxide, it has been shown in laboratory experiments that it encourages the body to produce it.All these convincingly paint the picture: the normal functioning of almost every organ depends on the presence of NO. Nowadays, research shows that Noni, the tropical plant, is capable of stimulating the body’s NO production, thus helping to prevent and control many diseases.
As illustrated above, nitric oxide is effectively takes part in many of our body functions, but most importantly in the normal operation of the cardiovascular and immune systems.
You could ask the question: How can Nitric Oxide overcome high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases?
In a very simple way, we should note the following. Almost all of us know that the centre of the cardiovascular system is the heart, which sends the blood through the main artery to the large arteries, then into the smaller ones, and finally into the small capillaries. The body regulates the contraction and expansion of these blood vessels, allowing and restricting the flow of blood, depending on the needs of the body. For example, when someone jogs, many areas of the body, especially the major muscles of the foot, have an increased need for oxygen to produce the right muscle work. On the other hand, if someone is staying outdoors for a long time on a cold winter morning, the internal organs need increased blood flow to maintain the body’s normal temperature.
All of this can happen in two ways. Both functions are performed by smooth muscle rings around blood vessels. Let’s imagine that the blood vessels are flexible garden hoses surrounded by bandages. By tightening the bond, fluid flow is reduced. By loosening the bandage, a larger volume can flow freely.A number of chemical signals can let smooth muscle bonding know to loosen or tension. Alcohol, for example, may occasionally relax the smooth muscles, allowing the opening of all blood vessels in the body.
This is one of the reasons why a glass of whiskey warms our hands and feet on a cold day (although the risk of hypothermia is also increased by lowering the temperature in the body’s internal organs.)On the other hand, in case of proper functioning, smooth muscle activity in the vascular system is the least arbitrary, but a wonderfully composed piece of music, in which nitric oxide plays one of the main parts. This means that nitrogen oxide (stimulated by Noni’s consumption) is one of the main blood pressure regulators of the body’s vascular system.Research on Noni have shown that many of its components, including nitric oxide, can play an active role in reversing cardiovascular disease processes and greatly contribute to cardiovascular health.
Scopoletin: Noni’s other blood pressure regulator Noni’s other health care ingredient, scopoletin, was first isolated in 1993 at the University of Hawaii. After its discovery, further experiments and tests have been carried out, proving that scopoletin is likely to play a key role in Noni’s ability to modify blood pressure. It has also been found that the synergistic effect of scopoletin can contribute to the adaptogenic effect of Noni; which means that if the blood pressure is too high, it helps to reduce it and if it is too low it increases it. Animal experiments have revealed a very interesting fact, namely that scopoletin alone can reduce blood pressure to an unacceptably low level.
According to documented results of a truly extensive clinical trial (10,000 patients), Noni is able to lower high blood pressure to normal levels.
How can garlic help?
The antihypertensive effect of garlic is well known. But here’s an experiment to prove this:
Researchers at the University of Adelaide conducted a meta-analysis of studies on the antihypertensive effect of garlic.
Researchers at the University of Adelaide conducted a meta-analysis of studies on the antihypertensive effect of garlic. The latest such review summarized the results of pre-1994 research, and the Australian authors, led by Karin Ried, are now evaluating the results that have come to light since then in the BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. In the reviewed studies, patients usually took garlic in powder form as a dietary supplement. The dose was between 600 and 900 milligrams per day, equivalent to 3.6-5.4 milligrams of allicin, the active ingredient of fresh garlic, which is less than one clove of garlic. Dietary supplementation lasted from 12 to 23 weeks in the studies. According to the combined data, consumption of garlic reduced the systolic blood pressure of the participants by nearly 5 millimetres of mercury. Positive effect among people with hypertension was stronger: systolic blood pressure (upper value) was reduced by 8.4 millimetres of mercury, and diastolic (lower value) was lowered by an average of 7.3 millimetres of mercury.
Earlier research has shown that the consumption of beet leads to a decrease in blood pressure within 24 hours, but the study of Reading University was the first to examine the dose choice: to determine the minimum dose required to lower blood pressure, the effect of consuming 100, 250 and 500 grams of beetroot was analysed. The results showed that even a 100-gram dose resulted in a significant reduction in blood pressure both in the short term (0-4 hours) and in the long run (0-13 hours). The consumption of bread enriched with the same amount of white or red beet also produced similar results.According to Julie Lovegrove, co-author of the British Journal of Nutrition, the effect is explained by the high nitrate content of the beetroot. This compound is converted into nitric oxide after consumption, which stimulates blood flow and keeps blood pressure low. The study also looked at the effect of betanin, the component responsible for the colour of beetroot, and it showed that beet types without red or white colouring components, also lowered blood pressure.Professor Lovegrove explained that the data reinforced the antihypertensive effect of nitrate-rich food, even at a relatively low dose. In addition, crushing of the beet during the bread-making process has no significant effect on its antihypertensive properties. It is also clear from the research that betanin only has minimal effect on this antihypertensive effect.
If you will have any question do no hesitate to call or chat us.