Noni’s effect on your body
1. Analgesic
Noni has the nicknames of “The Tree For Headaches” or “The Painkiller Tree”. Studies have shown that noni reduced pain comparable to the drugs tramadol and hydrocortisone, making it effective for arthritic and other joint pains.
2. Immune system booster
Noni activates macrophages and strengthens the immune system, which then produces more lymphocytes. It also contains antibacterial agents that fight infectious bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
3. Antidepressant / sedative
Noni stimulates seratonin and melatonin, two very important hormones. Seratonin affects mood, emotions, and sleep; imbalance in levels of serotonin may contribute to depression. Melatonin regulates the Circadian rhythm, which helps you sleep; keeping this regular will help you get a good night’s rest, also improving your mood.
4. Skincare / hair
Noni’s properties are useful on skin and scalp conditions, such as eczema and ringworm; also rubbed on scalp for lustrous hair; and will keep your skin young. Just rub some juice on affected skin/scalp, leave on for 15 minutes, rinse off.
5. Anti-tumor / anti-cancer
Noni stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is an extremely useful substance, one that is at the base of many of noni’s benefits. In this case, it reduces tumor growth and helps your body fight against the cancerous replication of cells. It also contains an immunomodulatory polysaccharide rich substance known as noni-ppt that further fights cancer. The immune boosting properties I mentioned in an above section are also a great help. One more thing that’s important are the amount of phytochemicals in noni that fight cancer. Phytochemicals are found in vegetables and herbs, if eaten regularly will build up preventive amounts. In the case of cancer already being present, noni and other plants with high amonts will slow, stop, or totally reverse the cancer process.
6. Hypertension
Noni is high in phytonutrients, selenium, and vitamin C, which fights free radical damage on blood vessel walls; scopoletin, a compound that may lower blood pressure; it is alkaline, which keeps bodily fluids from becoming too acidic, therefore hurting free radicals. It also has proxeronine, which is needed for the body to produce xeronine. Xeronine helps coordinate the cells to work harmonious, lowering stress and in turn, blood pressure. Also has the amino acid, tryptophan. When tryptophan enters the blood stream and goes to cells, it helps produce other substances that are important, such as even more seratonin, which is great for lowering blood pressure by way of its relaxing effect.
7. Cholesterol
Noni prevents the absorption of LDL cholesterol, thus reducing plaque in arteries, keeping you healthy and alive longer.
8. Memory
Noni, as mentioned before, prevents absorption of cholesterol by way of its large amount of phytosterols. This directly helps your brain stay healthier, and plaque does not build up in arteries feeding the brain, keeping it properly oxygenated.
9. Irritable Bowel Syndrome / constipation
Noni is high in soluble fiber, which helps ease the strain on your intestines and softens stool. Also has necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your intestines healthy.
10. Antibacterial / antifungal / antiviral
Noni has properties to fight infections comparable to that of prescription drugs. It contains anthraquinones, scopoletin, and terpenes, among others all work together to fight diseases.
[/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″][et_pb_testimonial admin_label=”Ajánlás Dr. Annie Hirazumi Kim” author=”Dr. Annie Hirazumi Kim” job_title=”USA” url_new_window=”off” quote_icon=”on” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” portrait_url=””]
“My goal is to improve the health of many through the precious noni plant. There Are so many things that we are finding out about the Morinda Citrifolia plant the applications are going to be limitless.”
[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_testimonial admin_label=”Ajánlás Dr. Neil Solomon” author=”Dr. Neil Solomon” job_title=”a Johns Hopkins clinically-trained physician” url_new_window=”off” quote_icon=”on” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” portrait_url=””]
Dr. Neil Solomon is a a New York Times best-selling author, and wrote The Noni Phenomenon and a number of other published works on Noni and its medicinal uses. Dr. Solomon based his research and writings on the results of more than 10,000 people who used Noni. In his book, The Noni Phenomenon, he writes, “After reviewing the results of the more than 10,000 people using Noni, I have determined that Noni undoubtedly possesses a variety of efficacious medicinal properties that modern medicine cannot ignore.” Dr. Solomon is widely recognized as the world authority on Noni.
Dr. Solomon is a Johns Hopkins clinically-trained physician. He has received awards from Johns Hopkins and held a professorship at the prestigious school of Medicine, as well as other universities in the country. He has acted as a health advisor to presidents and governors. Dr. Solomon served the state of Maryland as its first Secretary of Heath and Mental Hygiene.
[/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_testimonial admin_label=”Ajánlás Dr. Ralph Heinicke” author=”Dr. Ralph Heinicke” url_new_window=”off” quote_icon=”on” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” portrait_url=””]
Dr. Ralph Heinicke has spent most of his life (over 45 years) studying Morinda citrifolia and the nature of its healthful properties, including Xeronine and Proxeronine. He is the world’s leading expert on Morinda citrifolia.
Dr. Heinicke’s first step in discovering the active ingredients of the noni fruit. He was commissioned to find medicinal uses for the enzyme bromelain, which was prevalent in pineapple. Dr. Heinicke had been attempting to identify the unknown ingredient in bromelain, which he believed was actually responsible for the encouraging results of his clinical work. After many years of research, he eventually identified this ingredient as a new alkaloid to which he gave the name “Xeronine”. In December 1981, Dr. Heinicke patented Xeronine as a new alkaloid.
As a result of his research, Dr. Heinicke was convinced of the potential benefits of Xeronine and set out to find a supplemental food source that was high in Proxeronine – the precursor to Xeronine. He discovered that noni fruit not only contains enormous amounts of Proxeronine, but that it also contains the enzyme that helps change Proxeronine into Xeronine, called Proxeroninase.
[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_testimonial admin_label=”Ajánlás Dr. Scott Gerson ” author=”Dr. Scott Gerson” url_new_window=”off” quote_icon=”on” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” portrait_url=””]
“Several years ago, I was researching material for a book on the medicinal plants of India, and became interested in a family of plants known as Rubiaceae.
Of particular interest was a plant known in Sanskrit as ach which was attributed special properties by ancient physicians. The fruit of this ach plant or Morinda citrafolia has a rich history in India where it has been used for tens of centuries in the system of medicine known as ayurveda. This holistic medical tradition was established in the north western part of India by a people called Aryans who were reputed to be a rather cosmic civilization. Morinda citrifolia was especially esteemed by the ancient Aryan physicians because it protected the skin from becoming dry and cracked from the sun. My investigation of the published scientific literature on Morinda citrifolia yielded more than 100 articles pertaining to this medicinal plant. I soon discovered that the original home of the plant was not India at all, but rather Polynesia, Micronesia and the Hawaiian Islands where it is known as noni.
I first investigated what was known about the compounds in the noni fruit. Not surprisingly I found that several important active constituents were already identified which had beneficial effects in human physiology. Among the most intriguing were the carotenoids, bioflavonoids and anthraquinones as well as several other unknown substances which according to their chemical structures appeared to be accessory activating factors.
A few of the medicinal uses are for digestive problems such as diarrhoea intestinal worms, nausea, food poisoning; respiratory problems such as congestive cough, dry cough, tuberculosis, cholera, infant chest colds and sore throat; cardiovascular problems, hypertension; inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, abscesses, mastitis, gout and other inflammatory joint conditions. It is a noted analgesic or pain reliever. One of the most common uses of noni has been in the area of skin conditions, being utilized for wounds, ulcers, abscesses, ring worm, boils, cellulitis, swellings, scalp conditions and sores. It has been used in the treatment of tumours and broken bones, jaundice and other forms of liver disease. It has been used to treat asthma and dysentery, hypercholesterolemia, menstrual cramps, gastric ulcers and diabetes.”